Saturday 21 September 2019

Classification of Electric Vehicles | Words of Engineer

Classification of Electric Vehicles -

Hey guys, in previous article 'Key components of electric vehicles' we have seen key components and it's functions.Demand of EVs are gradually increasing along with increase in customer requirements. Requirements like ,some customer may want to drive fully electric vehicle on other hand some may want hybrid.So, to fulfil this requirement arrangements of key components are required however their function remains the same. Let's get into the classification of Electric Vehicles.

Electric vehicles can be classified on the basis of -

# Degree of Electric energy as main source

1. Pure Electric Vehicle

Pure Electric Vehicles, are the vehicles in which only battery or fuel cell is used
to drive electric motor which finally rotates the vehicle wheels and helps to propelled on ground. Further,pure electric vehicles can be classified as Battery Electric Vehicles and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles.

1.1 Battery Electric Vehicle ( BEV)

As name states, electric vehicle runs only on battery. Battery Electric Vehicles uses chemical energy stored in rechargeable battery packs. BEV doesn't have IC engine instead they have Electric motors for propulsion.

1.2 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle ( FCEV)

Fuel cell electric vehicles can be called as electrochemical engine which uses hydrogen and oxygen from air as fuel. FCEV has battery,hydrogen tanks,fuel cell stack,booster, electric motor and power control unit and interesting part is it emits only water.

Here attached an article from Toyota Europe which explains fuel cell working  in various road conditions.
 2. Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)

Hybrid electric vehicles uses two power source namely battery and IC engines.
HEV uses electric motor for start off and switches to IC engines as load increases. Battery used in HEV are internally charged by IC engines and regenerative energy received in braking action.

2.1 Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)

PHEV is an exception of standard HEV,which can be charged externally too means it can be charged by on board engine, regenerative energy and by external source.

# Power Configuration

     1. Series Configuration    

In Series Configuration ,all the Electric Vehicle components are arranged in series i.e in a line starting from IC engine, Generator, battery, Inverter, Electric Motor and differential. IC engine provides power to battery only and battery stores this received power passes to electric motor. There is no connection between IC engine and final wheel drive elements.

     2. Parallel Configuration

In Parallel Configuration, IC engine and Electric motors are arranged parallel to each other. Vehicle can receive it's tractive power from IC engine or electric motor or from both simultaneously.

Arrangement and Power flow in Parallel Configuration of Electric Vehicles

Additionally , I found another necessary  EV classification on based on how fast batteries can be recharged.

# Battery recharge speed

1. Level 1

Level 1 charging uses standard household 120V electric outlet for charging and it can take approximately 7-8 hrs for full charging of battery ranged for 70-80 miles.

2. Level 2

Level 2 charging uses special charging station places at public or workplace charging stations which uses 240V outlet to charge a battery in a approximately 4-5 hrs ranged for 75-80 mile.

3. Level 3

Level 3 charging are the fastest charging available currently solution which can charge a battery for a range of 90 miles in approximately 30 mins.

So, that about classification of electric vehicles from 'Words of Engineer'.

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